Saturday, April 2, 2011

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

My Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 80%

A long time ago, as we all miss the Disney Renaissance...

Intro continued here...

Plot:It's been three years since the beginning of the Clone Wars at the end of episode II. The Wars altogether appear to be at the brink of a dramatic conclusion for better or worse on both sides. Meanwhile Padme is pregnant and Anakin is having visions about her dying in childbirth. on top of that, Anakin is made as a spy for the Jedi Council as to whether or not Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.

Now the plot kind of has its hits and misses as far as being a really good plot, i mean on one hand, it's a million times better than what Lucas came up with for TPM and AOTC. but on the other, the movie i ruined for you because you know exactly what generally is going to happen. Palpatine turns out to be Darth Sidious, then he turn things around so that the Republic become the Empire, Padme has Luke and Leia then some how dies at one point, the Jedi become all put destroyed and of coarse, Anakin Skywalker becomes ever lovable Darth Vader, which eventually leads to the battle between him and Obi-wan that makes him end up more machine than man. And what's worse i how obvious this become in terms of how most of those things happen. i mean just take a look at after the space battle on Coruscant. you have Anakin's dreams were before, you just know that padme is going to die at some point, but now, you already know really early in the movie that she's going to die when she gives birth to Luke and Leia. and further we know that Anakin sides with Palpatine in most arguments between him and the Council because he's his friend showing how it's at least likely if not obvious that Palpatine is somehow going to use that friendship to turn Anakin to the Dark Side. However i thought they made the story a very good dark and entertaining one with all that aside.

screenplay: bad lines, plain examples: Padme "Anakin, you're breaking my heart." or just Vader with "NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Nuff' Said

Hayden Christensen/ Anakin Skywalker: Well the good news is, while he's still a little bit of a brat, he's hardly the big whiny spoiled acting little brat he was in the last one. in fact he's actually a little fun to watch at times when he just sticks to being a bad-a or just some guy that likes to fight alot. in fact that's what i really love about this character in the Clone Wars 2008 tv series, because he's even less of a whiny brat or other wise someone who get carried away in terms of worrying about things like padme. i mean the dialogue in that show is 100 times worse than it is in the movies but still, which Anakin would you rather? the whiny brat or the decent bad-s that just loves to fight & such? Anyway, what's dim-witted about Anakin in this movie as well is how a lot of obvious things are right in front of his face as far as what to do, (let go of padme and don't make a big deal about her possibly dying, be patient with the Council and their train of action, realize that his old friend is bad or at least that he should not choose him over the Council, etc.) but he doesn't even let those thoughts cross his mind. i mean thank god all the events lead him to anger & hate and all that jazz that makes him the Darth Vader we all know.
Ewan McGregor/Obi-Wan Kenobi:what is there to say about him? he's the same old Obi-Wan we've come to know since Episode II, hate for flying & all...just sort of slightly wiser...yet not really in the extent of being incredibly like the Obi-Wan that turns into this big mentor in the old trilogy as "Old Ben" but he's still a decently fun character, shown to be a nice little bad-a as far as killing General Grievous, and...pretty much that.
Natalie Portman/ Padme Amidala:yeah she's pretty bad in this movie. better than Christensen, but bad. it's pretty much with this film particularly where i had come to view her as a not that special of an actress before Black Swan.

Action: um, plain old, awesome. space battles, an army of wookies, General Grievous, and the final battle between Obi-Wan & Vader. it's the best.

Editing: Nothing special, just well enough for everything to make sense battles or no.

Music:I. Love. Battle of the Heroes. John Williams did an excellent job just by that song alone. with the type of story this movie is telling as both a climax to the prequel trilogy and a climax for us in terms of knowing the story of Darth Vader...just as a climax or battle type of song to begin with, it's a brilliant, beautiful piece. The actual event in the movie with all the action and such, would not have been anywhere close to as good as it is without that song. i just love it.

So that is my review for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. while it has no place to match movies IV-VI, it most certainly was the best of the Prequel trilogy and an altogether entertaining film for what it's worth hands down.

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