Sunday, March 27, 2011

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)

My Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 20%

A long time ago when M. Night Shyamalan still had dignity...

intro continued in this link:

Plot: okay so the republic is in trouble because some systems decide to become independent from it. the senate puts up a vote as to whether or not form an army that will protect the republic from these systems now called the separatists. Padme, now a senator, as recently survived an assassination attempt and is now currently being protected by Obi-wan & Anakin. during this whole thing, anakin & padme begin to fall in love while finding out who is killing her leads tot he discovery of the clone army and eventually the clone wars.

Hayden Christensen/Anakin Skywalker: very bad character. simple as that. he's stubborn, arrogant, and doesn't say any good lines to get to padme. it just doesn't make sense that she falls in love with him. i mean in one hand we don't care as long as the story leads to the birth of the ever lovable Luke & Leia, but seriously, imagine their thoughts if they ever found out how their parents fell in love. however i did really like that his part in the film involves telling how he's related to Uncle Owen and that he did get to see his mother one last time. nuthun wrong with that.
Ewan McGregor/Obi-Wan Kenobi: now when i was younger i thought some the stuff he does in this movie was funny...then i got over it. now McGregor has some facial expressions. but still wasn't anything special.
Natalie Portman/Padme Amidala: this is where the down thoughts about portman generally comes into anyone's mind before Black Swan. i mean there are friends from my college who do not want to see Black Swan just because Portman is in it and they generally know her better from these movies. I mean she still did decent but she still wasn't the best.
Christopher Lee/Count Dooku: I liked his performance as Dooku. i thought he was a very lovable villain.

Editing:eh, just how it was suppose to be i suppose. i wouldn't really know.

Place in the saga: well while it's not the best movie you still need to enjoy that they at least begin to explain some things in the star wars series such as the stromtroopers, boba fett, and...sort of the love between luke & leia's parents.

Action: it was good except for one major thing. yes you see an army of jedi fight, but that fight leads to two hundred jedi killed...that's pretty weak.

compared to the rest of the movies: now i actually think that this movie is the WORST of the saga and let me tell you why i say that rather than Phantom Menace. yes there's jar jar binks, but there isn't much focus on the romance between padme and anakin unlike this one. there's so much less excitement in the second one compared to phantom menace where there's even the pod race. and most importantly, while star wars was changed for the worse because of that midi-chlorians crap, at least that didn't make the jedi a little bit like wusses. i mean for over 20 years we only saw about two jedi at most with these films, and then there's this film where this one battle started with 200 jedi and about 15ish minutes later there's only 20 left. i mean it makes a little bit of sense concerning how they have droidakas and super battle droids in the battle but still, before, we only see jedi die either by sacrificing himself to halp other escape, dies of old age or in the hands of a sith more powerful. then you have these droids that were manhandled in the last film who kill a lot of jedi and the jedi have to be rescued by Clone troopers who later become STORMTROOPERS who are lucky hit so much as a BIRD!!! so phantom menace may have jar jar and midi-chlorians along with 2 1/2 hours of mindless entertainment, but at least they didn't have hundreds of jedi die. that's just pretty weak.

so that's my review for star wars: Attack of the Clones

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