Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Source Code (2011)

Rating: 80%
Now I remember the trailers for this film. And I wasn't in a big hurry to see it despite it getting good reviews. But when my mom suggested that we would watch this, we didn't have too much choice so he checked it out.

Plot: Army helicopter pilot Colter Stevens who was last seen in Afghanistan wakes up in a train with a woman named Christine sitting next to him believing he's this friend of her named Sean. Eight minutes after that, the train blows up and Colter wakes up in a cockpit where Captain Goodwin tell him that the people she works for have taken him to the Source Code where he has to use it to appear as Sean to find out who bombed the train for real so that they can prevent more bombings.

I have to admit that the story is clever, and it carries on pretty well in my book. The characters are also very good and the suspense is not bad. *WARNING SPOILER* I will say that my feeling for the ending is a little mixed. I mean part of me likes it but the rest of me didn't think it was that spectacular of an ending. The reason why is that I did like that they had this whole "the Source Code won't change the past" thing which I felt was what made the movie truly interesting. I mean what made me in no hurry to watch this film was how it seemed like this was all suppose to be trying enough times until the past is permanently altered the way they want it, judging by the trailers. But it turned out to not really be the case so that's were I was interested in where it was going. But then Colter works his way in actually altering the past apparently which - while it's still a little fresh with it ending them now finding out that you can alter the past - just all around was not as unique as I was hoping even if I liked the ending still just because it ended happily. *END OF SPOILERS* All around though, it still was a very nice entertaining film that you can enjoy.

Jake Gyllenhaal/Colter Stevens: He did a very good job with his character. He did show what Colter was going through and with how it changes him. But I didn't like how it seemed like he'll really ignored the people who are making him use the Source Code a little too much. I mean I was all for him being pissed with how they just wouldn't give them answers even though that would help him know what was going on so much easily. But sometimes he just acts like he didn't hear them on some of the key stuff about the Source Code which, sure things worked out, but regardless I was like "really?"

Music: The music was nice, i think it worked in making it all suspenseful.

And that's my review for Source Code. While I have a couple of issues with it, it's still a very creative and entertaining movie that for the most part, I would recommend.

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