Thursday, May 30, 2013

Superman III (1983)

Rating: 20%
*starts to play the movie and then remembers the original cover* ... sonofva-

Plot: Gus Gorman is a man who keeps getting unemployed until he discovers that he has a talent for computer programing. When he salami slices his employers payroll, he's brought to the CEO Ross Webster and his sister Vera who decide to use his skills to their advantage to rule the world financially. Meanwhile Clark Kent returns to Smallville for his high school reunion and begin to share affection with his old childhood friend Lana Lang.

This is where I begin to count my blessings about the comedy from the first two movies. I mean the first 5 ish minutes of the film is nothing but practically every slapstick joke you can think of with poorly done title sequences. And then you have Gus Gorman played by Richard Pryor. Now I've heard that he was a great comedian in his time, and I"m sure that's very true. But ever since I first saw the cover to this movie with Superman carrying him and he's giving some comedic surprised face, I knew that this movie was going to be the farthest thing from the genuine Superman movie. And for the most part, I was right. A very good majority of the movie was just Ross Webster's schemes which leads to a whole bunch of moments of Richard Pryor trying to be funny and failing. In fact I can imagine my parents or more likely my ex-boss trying to convince me that he really is funny and probably showing me youtube videos or something to try to prove it to me. Because nothing he was doing was very original or amusing and the fact that he was in this movie for so long doesn't help. Also the fact that the real villains in this movie are a couple of rich people who want to be even richer is just sad. We got from the first two movies having Lex Luthor and General Zod - two of the greatest comic book villains of all time, to this. See the major downplay here? But thankfully, as right as I was about Pryor's part in the movie, most of the moments where we actually get Clark Kent/Superman were a little enjoyable. Because most of the first half of the movie whenever there was Superman, we more or less got what we would actually expect to see. And personally I really liked the moments between Clark and Lana. Okay maybe that view is a little biased what with watching the first couple of seasons of Smallville where Lana's one of the main characters, before really getting into the Superman movies or even the animated show. But it still was an interestingly different turn when it came to the romance and stuff like that, and so I ended up enjoying it. But then there's the second half of the movie when Superman gets corrupted or something and...while you could debate that it's interesting too, I'll just say that I wonder if it's partly to blame for the dance scene in Spider-Man 3 and the birthday party scene in Iron Man 2.

And that's my review for Superman III. You might still enjoy the moments with Superman like I did, but it's still a horrid downplay from the first two movies with uninteresting villains, heavy focus on comedy and Richard Pryor just failing to entertain you in anyway.

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