Sunday, April 8, 2012

My Giant (1998)

Now during my little break from writing reviews because of school and a couple of other things, there was a bag full of VHS movies that the owner somehow lost somewhere at my church. We do not know how this became the case, but my mom (who is the receptionist for the church) suggested that maybe I would like to take a look at these movies since I am technically the current owner of our old family TV and VHS player. Now out of the 11 videos in this bag, the only one I've seen and reviewed is Princess Bride. So some of my next few reviews will be over all of the videos from that bag that's not Princess Bride.

Rating: 35%
Yeah after recently thinking about it, I think it's time that my ratings are changed a little so it's not just either 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 etc and make it so i could also rate the movies as 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, etc. Probably overdue but better late than never. But anyway, here's the first video from the bag which is this drama comedy that was co-written and starred by Billy Crystal: My Giant.

Plot: Sam is an agent who just got fired by his current client who is shooting a film in Romania. While leaving the set he crashed his car and is saved by a 8 foot tall Romanian man named Max. Sam gets the idea to make Max a star, so he convinces the director to cast Max as the villain in the movie. From there, Sam tries to get him more roles and along with it, help Max find his old paramour he had 20 years ago.

Now if  you are wondering if this movie is not very creative when it comes to the concept of the story. A) Don't finish reading this review yet if you don't want to know until you've seen it because B) I'm just going to say it for those who don't really care or have already seen this film: yes, it's not a creative concept. Quite honestly, I wasn't very amused very much with a lot of the first...15 minutes give a take of this film because if you've seen enough movies like this film, you know exactly what is going to happen. Also I have to say that it really isn't much of a comedy. Because I heard one or two things that were cute, but that was really it. It mostly stayed a drama. But...when you get to the last 40 ish minutes the drama is a little nice. I mean don't get me wrong, the whole story in general is just plain cheesy, but the drama is still a little...nice. I mean it's still dumb in terms of creativity, but you could be interested in the characters enough to enjoy it anyway.

Billy Crystal/Sam: He was just okay. Like I said, they really do much with the comedy and that pretty much went the exact same way with Billy Crystal in this movie. But his part in the drama later on did make his character a little more interesting or at least more like someone we could care for than being the person he introduced to us in the beginning.
Muresan/Max: He was nice. His character wasn't original, but if you do like a story about a nice giant like Max, he did do well enough that I think you would easily enjoy him.

Music: I didn't really pay attention to the music much. I mean it's a drama/comedy with Billy Crystal, so there really isn't anything that stands out as a score either good or bad for that kind of movie.

Editing: The editing was okay. There were one or two cuts that I didn't really think were necessary, but for the general part, they did good.

And that's my review for My Giant. It's a very cheesy film that while they lack a lot of comedy, the drama in the film no matter how cheesy it is could make it nice enough that you could like anyway.

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