Monday, November 5, 2012

The Great Ziegeld (1936)

Rating: 50%
Okay so next best picture I saw fromt he 30's was The Great Ziegfeld. So here's my review for it.

Plot: The story is simply about a music producer named Florence Ziegfeld Jr who is trying to make his mark in show business. He makes a habit of often making a hit but then tries to go bigger despite becoming broke due to gambling. Despite this, he often manages to get money from his rival, Billings and makes another hit yet again.

Does it sounds like I'm telling practically the whole story? It should. Because that's all that this character does under exceptions such as little things with his personal life and some big musical numbers and things like that. Just like The Last Emperor, The Great Ziegfeld is longer then it needs to be especially with it's big musical numbers. Now at the same time it's not a bad thing because those numbers were enjoyable. They had good choreography, the costumes were well done, and some of the technical stuff like that big spinning stage and stuff like that were awesome. But in reality, those things seem to be the only thing that really stood out from this movie in any way. I mean the acting was good, but the thing is, Florence Ziegfeld's story seems to be just roughly the same thing as Yancy Cravat's character in Cimarron - not in the manner of trying to create his own empire, but more in the sense that he's facing and beating impossible odds without really any conflict. Sure Ziegfeld's character was a little more interesting then Cravat, but with that specific style, the whole story of The Great Ziegfeld just wasn't all that good of a story.

And that's my review for The Great Ziegfeld. It's a little entertaining with the well done musical numbers, design and technical stuff, but otherwise, the story felt like it was really just the same thing as Cimarron only that the main character's a music producer that keeps it from being a memorable film.

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