Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Social Network (2010)

My Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 90%

it was a very interesting movie and i really enjoyed it.

Plot: well for those of you who don't know, this is basically the story of how Facebook came to be. what is also in this movie is the lawsuits that came after the events of how Facebook became the big deal it is today. the only thing i have about them is how they differ from what really happened, but in a way, it was suppose to be that way. Because apparently, none of the things they did while they made Facebook contained greed and sex and unpredictability. According to on of the member of Facebook (this is mainly according to Wikipedia whose source to this I could not find from their link), all Zuckerberg really did was "was just sitting around with his friends in front of his computer, ordering pizza." And according to one article that i don't remember from, Zuckerbergdid break up with anybody before making Facebook. in face he is in a relationship with a girl that he's living with now. So as far as making this a good 2 hour movie they did the right thing despite the things in the film that didn't happen.

Acting: I felt that outside of Zuckerberg, all the other characters were nothing too special, they were being ordinary people...generally. I thought that Andrew Garfield did a good job playing Zuckerberg's best friend. Which is slightly comforting since he is the guy that is playing Spider-Man in the Spider-Man reboot. as a fellow Spider-Man fan and reader of the comics, i feel that i should at least hope that Garfield will at least to a decent job in acting in the role for that VERY unnecessary film. as for Jesse Eisenberg and Mark Zuckerberg, i was confused at first because it seemed like the film was supporting a belief that the real Zuckerberg could have Asberger's syndrome. but i guess that was just the way either how Zuckerberg is or how they just made the character to be. alla round, i thought the character was very interesting especially on how he was very focused on the goal he was aiming for.

Editing: well done for the most part.

and that's my review for The Social Network. it was a good movie that, which isn't 100% loyal tot he real story, it was still for the story it told.

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