Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

My Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 90%

It was creepy, with was creative, and altogether one of the best, yet most unnecessary image filled movies i've ever seen.

Plot: very, very unique. just with who the main character is, what he does, and what happens to him all throughout the film. from the place he and his friends hung out at, to how he reacted in jail, to the formula that they put him on, it's just something completely out of the ordinary. in a way I feel that we need more unique movies like Clockwork Orange.

Editing: i enjoyed how they took things slowly making certain scenes longer to show more of the experience form the character.

Acting: yeah i thought the acting was pretty good too. Malcolm McDowell did a very good job.

Really all around the only downs i had was the sexual content and nudity. that much makes me want to wait a few years before wanting to ever see this movie again.

and that's my review of Clockwork Orange

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